Discussing The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Major Points from this Episode:

  • Habits can be helpful as long as they are good.
  • Poor habits are just as easy, if not easier, to develop than good ones.
  • Indulging in bad habits doesn’t seem to have an affect right away, but with the compound effect you’ve set off a trigger of actions that affect the trajectory of your life.
  • Change doesn’t happen overnight. But making changes now will greatly impact you in the future.
  • The power of your “why” is what helps you to continue to reach for your goal as you are working through the mundane.
  • Defining your core values can keep you connected to your why and help with your motivation when dealing with the tasks that are necessary but not your passion.
  • Success is something you attract by the person you become.

Actionable Strategies:  

Determine your current core values, click here to download the free worksheet.
Get connected with your WHY – figure out why you do what you do. Check out Simon Sinek’s TEDTalk.
Write down each of these items so these stay at the forefront of your mind.

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