
This week, my friend Tavia shares her process for overcoming imposter syndrome.
Tavia Redburn teaches birth photographers how to specialize and get certified so they can go full time.

In 2018, Tavia retired her husband from his 9-5 while homeschooling her 3 kids and now she teaches other photographers how to use strategic marketing systems to build their photography empire AND be present for their kids!

Tavia’s life mission is to show families they too can break out of the traditional “graduate, go to college and get a job” mold we’ve been conditioned to believe is the “American dream,” and that if they have a passion, there is a reason.  

What To Listen For:

– The 3 categories that contribute to imposter syndrome
– How to tackle each one of these 3 categories- Why you might need to take an extreme approach to comparison

See Tavia’s work here:

Learn more about her educational offerings:

Check out my favorite books here:

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