Discussing The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Major Points from this Episode:
- Momentum is a critical piece to personal and professional success. It takes energy to build the momentum so be sure to capitalize on it when it comes.
- Momentum can be slow and steady, or super fast.
- Routines help you maintain your focus and develop good habits.
- Routines get you focused on areas of your life where you may be spending too much time.
- Creating morning and evening routines for yourself is essential to success. Decide what will happen at the beginning of your day to set the tone for your day, and your evening routine will set your mind in the right space so that your subconscious works for you while you’re sleeping.
- Start and finish strong each and every day.
Actionable Strategies:
Develop a morning and evening routine and be very consistent. Do it even when you don’t “feel” like doing it.
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