Discussing Big Potential by Shawn Achor

Major Points from this Episode:

  • Think about this – punishment in prison is isolation.  It’s the worst thing they could do to an inmate, so why do we think we can do it alone?
  • Find people of high influence that build your potential.
  • When you surround yourself with people who don’t want to grow, you end up isolating yourself because you want to expand your possibilities and they want to stay the same.
  • The positive influences in your life should outweigh the negative influences.
  • Always remember you become the 5 people you spend the most time with.
  • Your social group should be diverse with a group of pillars, bridges and extenders.
  • Be a connector of others to eliminate isolation.  Provide mutually beneficial relationships and be authentic with those around you.

Actionable Strategies:  

  • Tackle loneliness this week.  Reach out to people that you want to connect with.  You have a choice in being alone.
  • Think about the 5 people you spend the most time with, write them down, and do an evaluation as to whether they are positive or negative influences.

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