Discussing Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

Major Points from this Episode:

  • Practice creative procrastination, which means to procrastinate on small tasks or being lazy.
  • Let go of control and outsource/delegate tasks to others.  While the training phase is difficult, the end result is freedom.
  • “No” is the most important word in the english language.
  • The great question to ask yourself:  What one skill, if I developed and did in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest impact on my career?
  • Balance does not exist.  If you are balanced, there is no movement happening.  You want to seek harmony with all aspects of your life.
  • Utilize the body language of high performers.  Get in power poses to change your body chemistry and lift your mood.
  • Continually upgrade your key skills.  Learning should never stop, and everything is learnable.  

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