Discussing The Power of Moments by Chip & Dan Heath

Major Points from this Episode:

  • When we trip over the truth of a problem, it focuses the brain on the struggle.
  • If you can dramatize a problem, you immediately encourage others to focus on a solution.
  • You will never be able to appreciate the truth if you can’t appreciate the problem.
  • Dreaming compels you into action.
  • Study your behavior instead of your thoughts to gain insight.  Insight does not lead to action; action leads to insight.
  • Mentors should push you.  A mentee should be able to stretch.
  • High standards and reassurance make for a great mentor.

Actionable Strategies:

  • Complete the dream exercise we discussed.  Answer the following: In 3-5 years, I still want my [students, family, clients] to know ____.  They still remember _____.  They still find value in _____.
  • Answer this for every area of your life and think about how you can make moments align with this dream.

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