Discussing The Power of Moments by Chip & Dan Heath

Major Points from this Episode:

  • Exposing yourself to the things you fear helps you begin to overcome the feelings of fear.
  • During emotional situations we are not able to respond appropriately to any situation we encounter.  Creating pre-loaded responses helps you engage others during these moments.
  • Courage is contagious, as it encourages similar responses in others.
  • Laughter should be your social sonar.  This ensures everyone is on the same wave length when creating social connection.
  • Purpose and passion are two very different aspects of your life and business.  Others can connect with your purpose but not your passion.
  • Your purpose is not necessarily discovered, it is cultivated.
  • Your passion is something unique to you.
  • Sometimes in life we have to create the moments, so ask yourself, “Did I do something that mattered today?”

Actionable Strategies:

  • What’s the thing you fear the most?  Practice some exposure therapy by 1) naming the thing you are afraid to do; 2) determine an action you can take toward overcoming that fear; 3) share it with us, as that makes it real.

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