In this mini episode, we discuss the excuses that people make that hold them back from achieving their goals and living their dream life.

Key Points:

  • Excuses get us off the hook when we haven’t given it our all.
  • Excuses give control to someone else, help you cast the blame to someone else, and make you a victim.
  • Excuses stop you from taking accountability for your actions and life.
  • We tend to use excuses because we are afraid – afraid of taking action, afraid of the result, afraid of reactions from others.
  • Replace the lies you tell yourself with truth.

Actionable Strategies:  

  • Be cognizant of the excuses/lies you tell yourself.  Recognize what they are and replace them with the truth.  Keep a journal of all the lies you’ve been telling yourself and write about how they’ve held you back.

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